Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Service With My Team

Every since coming to Loyola College I looked for a club team I could join that would keep me fit and help me have a structured schedule so I didn’t goof off. After I few days I settled on the Loyola College Rugby Club, and besides joining this club, I was also signing up for Community service. Although I’ve only been on the team for three weeks, there have been numerous community service opportunities that my teammates and I have taken part in.

The first week I joined my teammates and I woke up at eight o’clock on a Saturday morning to go into Baltimore. There we all participated in laying down the framework in building houses as part of habitat for humanity. We worked a usual nine to five doing miscellaneous tasks which reminded me of my days down in New Orleans. After we were finished we got thanks for our work, but the best feeling came about a week later; the head director for habitat that day sent our coach an email praising us for our work that day and our attitude we had. That to me made the whole ordeal worth it.

Another form of community service that the Loyola Rugby Club has in Baltimore is with St. Mary’s Church. Year after year the club team has gotten involved with kids from the church and taught the game of rugby. I went last Thursday and had a blast; the kids are energetic, eager to learn, and liked to have fun. It was defiantly an experience I look forward to doing again. Another form of community service we did for St. Mary’s Church was a fundraiser this past weekend, parents’ weekend, to benefit the parish. We went around selling tickets for this fundraiser which profits went directly to St. Mary’s, it was a success.

Although when I originally signed up for the Loyola Rugby Club I did not anticipate all the things that came with the team, I most certainly am enjoying them. I look forward to taking part in more event services, especially with the kids at St. Mary’s. There is even take of setting up a team which would be very exciting.

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